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Mexico's Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched on Monday the “We Are with You (Estamos Contigo)” hotline for Mexican citizens who live in the U.S. to receive quick information and orientation from the Mexican government.
The Foreign Minister, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, informed compatriots living abroad in the U.S. that they can dial 1 877-636-6678, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to receive emotional support and general information regarding the U.S. government's policies on immigration matters, which are expected to take a sharp shift once president elect Donald J. Trump is sworn into office, as well as report any incidents of abuse.
In a press statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that compatriots living abroad in the U.S. can use the “We Are with You” hotline to receive the following information and services:
- Current legislation and policies that affect immigrants
- What rights immigrants' are entitled to, regardless of immigration status
- What authorities to turn to in the event of suffering some sort of aggression
- Emotional support
- General information regarding the help they can receive from the ministry if they wish to return to Mexico
- Information and services that Mexico's 50 consulates provide, including its mobile consulate stations that form part of its community outreach program
- Be put into direct contact with Mexico's 50 consulates to act on reports of abuse or aggressions
- Be put into direct contact with the MEXITEL hotline to make an appoint at one of the Mexican Consulates in the U.S. or, if applicable, the Information and Assistance Center for Mexicans (CIAM, Spanish acronym) to provide them with specific information regarding consulate protection
- In addition, there are specialists who can provide women with emotional and psychological help in order to confront personal crises based on situations of physical abuse such as rape, depression, discrimination or hate crimes.