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The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) presented several recommendations to the Airport Group of Mexico City (GACM) that ensure transparency and proper execution of Mexico City's New International Airport.
During the presentation of the First Official Report on the development of the airport, OECD Chief of Staff and Serpa to the G20, Gabriela Ramos, said that the government's corporate reform and the airport's autonomous management must be specified.
“With regard to integrity and transparency, GACM updated its code of conduct and established a declaration of conflict of interests that applies to public officials, consultants and bidders. This measure is very comprehensive and extremely important,” said Ramos.
The OECD recommended that GACM continue working on creating a culture of integrity by implementing additional policies regarding conflicts of interest and protection for whistleblowers, as well as the practical creation of solutions for addressing ethical issues.
Nevertheless, the OECD praised GACM for making public over 200 contracts via the government website datos.gob.mx, which they said given the large amount and openness of information, this process required a huge undertaking.
The OECD also recommended incorporating independent consultants, establishing transparent mechanisms that are based on merit to choose and develop internal audit processes.
Ramos also noted the importance of establishing coordination mechanisms with entities that carry out construction work or projects and with the authorities of the Sate of Mexico and Mexico City in order to address any social, reputation, environmental, political and other problems that may arise as the construction project moves forward.
The OECD also recommended that the Governing Board use U.K. infrastructure practices as reference when taking decisions in order to ensure best practices. Ramos added that officials should review the design of the bidding process in order to facilitate competition.