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After several hours of analysis, which had the families of the victims go over the five garbage bags that showed up yesterday in the municipality of Camarón de Tejada, Veracruz, it has been confirmed that the bodies of three of the students reported missing on September 29 have been found lifeless; among these is the Communications student Génesis Deyanira Urrutia from the Veracruzana University.
In a press release the Attorney General’s Office of Veracruz reminded that the remains were found last Friday in Camarón de Tejada and were then taken to the General Directorate of Expert Services where protocols to determine the victims identity were exhausted today, with the help of the families of three of the victims.
The agency detailed that in due respect of their Human Rights and in compliance of the General Victims Law, the families of the students have been assisted at all times by authorities of the Attorney General’s Office, from the arrival of the bodies to Xalapa, the accompaniment in all stages of body identification to the psychological attention provided by the Crime Victims Assistance Center.
The Attorney General’s Office of Veracruz will keep the investigation open until full clarification of the crimes.