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Hugo Valdemar, spokesman for the Archdiocese of Mexico, claims that the church and members of the so-called “Pro-Family” groups have suffered “a real media lynching” because of the opposition to the president's same-sex marriage initiative. Valdemar compares institutions such as the Federal Commission for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination (Conapred) and Mexico City's Local Commission for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination (Copred) to the Gestapo, Nazi Germany's official secret police, for censuring anything deemed anti-gay.
In an interview with the Catholic organization SIAME, the presbyter claims that there hasn't been any discrimination against the LGBTTTI community perpetrated by the Catholic church and that “there hasn't been a single act of hate” towards the group. However, he says that the so-called “Pro-Family” groups have been characterized as “inquisitors, backwards, fanatics, hypocrites, cavemen, pedophiles, irrational...”
“So you tell me, who are the ones that are doing the hating? Who are the intolerant ones? Are we not facing discrimination for expressing our ideas and religious principles? Why doesn't the Conapred and Copred protect us? Why doesn't the UN condemn this wave of religious intolerance?” asked Valdemar.
Valdemar, who's also the head editor of the weekly Catholic publication “Desde la fe” said that the UN is acting “scandalously irresponsible and perverse” by treating abusers as victims. He claims that the UN “has a network of economic interests that has converted human sexuality into its main market, and they feel no remorse for contributing to the moral degradation of humanity.”
“Condemning the protests by parents of family members who peacefully defend natural marriage and its values is a diabolical strategy by the UN to discredit those who have the right and freedom to express their moral and religious principles,” he said.
He continued by saying that the UN “is the biggest supporter of a gay dictatorship and gender ideologies. It's put pressure on all countries, especially the poorest ones, to pass immoral laws that will eventually destroy families. What else can you expect from this perverse institution that condemns parents of families who are clearly, together with the Catholic church, their greatest obstacle to carrying out their diabolical plans?”
Valdemar concluded by saying that the UN “is an instrument of US imperialism, which is trying to impose a gay dictatorship and gender ideologies,” and used US ambassador Roberta Jacobson's pro-gay activism as an example of this idea.