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CEPL, en espera de orden del Tribunal Electoral; busca asumir proceso interrumpido del Comité del Poder Judicial

Tras sanciones de Trump a Colombia, Sheinbaum dice que hay que respetar a todos los países; “me tengo que informar bien para poder opinar”

Titular de Jufed participa en inauguración del Año Judicial Interamericano 2025; tratará la situación que atraviesa el Poder Judicial en México
One responsible for the death of Spanish citizen María Villar, whose body was found in the municipality of Santiago Tianguistenco, State of Mexico, was identified and arrested said Gustavo Salas, head of the Assistant Attorney General's Office for Special Investigations on Organized Crime (SEIDO).
According to Salas, the motive for the kidnapping was to withdraw money from ATMs and steal her possessions; María Villar was a circumstantial victim of the gang that operates mainly in the metropolitan area.
María Villar got into what she believed was an authorized taxi in Mexico City Santa Fe neighborhood on September 13, shortly after she entered the taxi, it stopped and the man now arrested got in. She was immobilized by a stun gun.
The arrested suspect was identified as Óscar Saúl “N”.
The investigation suggests that more than two people participated in the kidnapping and killing of Villar Galaz.