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Emma Coronel Aispuro, common-law wife of imprisoned Sinaloa cartel leader, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, filed a complaint today with Mexico's National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) for the treatments that the drug lord has received in prison.
Coronel was accompanied by Guzmán's attorney, José Refugio Rodríguez, and they claimed that 'El Chapo' has suffered from declining health since he arrived at the Altiplano prison in January 2016.
According to the complaint, Guzmán is being constantly watched by three face-covered guards who do not even give him privacy to relieve himself, the woman said.
"He has not been informed about the activities available in the prison and the authorities have not designed a plan of activities according to the needs, preferences and abilities of my common-law husband", the document reads.
In the complaint, Coronel also notes that 'El Chapo' has said he fears "going crazy" before December.
José Refugio Rodríguez said that "El Chapo" does not want privileges, he only wants an equal treatment.
"Joaquín Guzmán does not want a five-star hotel, he does not want a spa, all that he wants is to be treated like a human being, according to the standards set by the United Nations for persons deprived of their liberty," said the lawyer.