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Delegación mexicana va a la COP29 en Azerbaiyán; promoverá “política ecológica y ambiental humanista” de Sheinbaum
Piden a Sheinbaum estrategia contra promesas de campaña de Trump; “lo va a cumplir”, advierten académicos de la UNAM
MC pide a “quienes tienen decencia” que voten contra Rosario Piedra en la CNDH; hay muchos “queda bien”: Castañeda
Officials on Sunday discovered a massive cannabis farm in the outskirts of Ensenada, Baja California, about 80 miles south of San Diego, California.
Police authorities estimate around 516,000 cannabis plant in the over 430,000-square-foot farm.
Baja California's Ministry of Public Safety reports that the discovery was made as a result of a security operation launched in the area.
The farm is located a few kilometers off a main highway, and according to the authorities, several cannabis farms have been found in the area's inaccessible hills, which making it easy to grow out of the governments' sight.