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The Office of the Mexican Attorney General (PGR) issued an arrest warrant against Veracruz Governor Javier Duarte over alleged ties to organized crime and operations with resources of illicit origin.
Last week, Javier Duarte announced that he would step down almost two months before his term ends in order to face federal corruption investigations.
"Precisely due to this situation (of allegations), I have decided today to ask the state congress for leave from the position of state governor," Duarte said in an interview. "Veracruz needs a full-time governor... And I need time exactly to address these complaints."
Miguel Ángel Yunes, a former congressional deputy from the PAN party, claims to have even more evidence implicating Duarte in the corruption charges.
According to Yunes, Duarte unexpectedly fled the state by helicopter Saturday and the aircraft that he used to escape was facilitated by the interim Governor Flavín Ríos.