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Tras supuesto rechazo de avión con deportados, SRE asegura que hay buena relación con EU; “cooperamos con respeto”, dice

Clausuran temporalmente relleno de escombros en Jocotepec, Jalisco; Semartnat aclara que no hay permiso

FGR investiga a Mauricio Sahuí, delegado del Infonavit en Yucatán; está ligado al Cártel Inmobiliario de “Los Mañé”
The Attorney General's Office took statements from State Police agents regarding the ambush suffered by a military convoy in Culiacán, Sinaloa, which left five soldiers dead and over ten wounded.
At the same time, members of the Ministry of National Defense examined the weapons used by said corporation.
On Monday afternoon, a convoy of seven vehicles arrived at the premises of the State Police and requested the delivery of all weapons of its troops for a new examination.
Chief of the State Police, Jesús Antonio Aguilar Íñiquez said that all the staff who was on duty the morning of September 30, when the attack against 17 soldiers occurred, was called to give their testimonies.
According to the investigations, the soldiers were ambushed by an organized crime group when transporting a fellow drug cartel member in an ambulance, Julio Oscar Ortíz Vega 'El Kevin', who was injured during a clash with authorities.