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Legisladores de Morena y oposición reprueban acciones de Trump contra migrantes; llaman a la unidad nacional

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Cónsul de México en Nogales, Arizona, activa estrategia de apoyo a migrantes; contarán con traslado a centrales de autobuses y albergues

Sheinbaum felicita a Trump como nuevo presidente de EU; destaca respeto y cooperación en la relación
Otto Dix: Violence and Passion will be the first exhibit in Mexico dedicated exclusively to the German artist as part of the “Year of Germany in Mexico”, a year of activities and programs both in Mexico and Germany aimed at strengthening ties across both countries.
“Otto Dix, noted for his ruthless and harshly realistic depictions of Weimar society and the brutality of war, approached the world by painting society's most hypocritical topics, which are still highly relevant today,” said the exhibit's German curator, Ulrike Lorenz, at a recent press conference.
The collection of work, which runs through January 15 at the National Museum of Art (Munal) in Mexico City, “will present every stage in Otto Dix's life, his artwork and his different styles” said Lorenz.
Lorenz, director of the Mannheim Gallery in Germany, said that Otto Dix's work (1891 – 1969) was heavily influenced by WWI and WWII, the Wiemar Republic, and the deep political divide in Germany after 1945.
The collection features over 160 paintings, engravings and drawings by Otto Dix, who is considered to be one of Germany's most important artists of the 20th century.