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Mexican Senator Luis Humberto Fernández released a press statement in which he claims that the National Migration Institute (INM, Spanish acronym) refused to provide him with details on the migratory status of US presidential hopeful Donald Trump during his visit to Mexico on August 31 for a private meeting with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.
In light of Trump's controversial visit to Mexico, Senator Fernández submitted a congressional request on September 7 for the National Migration Institute to reveal Trump's migratory status during his visit to Mexico and, one day later, he also made a formal request through Mexico's new National Transparency Platform, which is aimed at promoting transparency and accountability with public officials and government agencies.
However, on October 7, the National Migration Institute informed the Senator that the requested information classifies as confidential personal data and therefore cannot be made public.
The Senator criticized the federal government in a press release, where he argued: “we still don't know whether Donald Trump followed Mexico's migration procedures, which everyone must follow as per Mexican law, or if he got special treatment and just had his passport stamped while on his plane. We still don't know who authorized his visit and why he was exempted from following the law,” he concluded.