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Tras detención de “Billy” Álvarez buscan reactivar caso contra exrector de la BUAP; es acusado de fraude y desvió de recursos
Asesinan al periodista Calletano de Jesús Guerrero en Teoloyucan, Edomex; organizaciones condenan el crimen
Organizaciones de EU ofrecen asesorías migratorias a mexicanos; orientación se da en vísperas del regreso de Trump
Ante llegada de Trump, la defensa de los mexicanos será prioridad, afirma Claudia Sheinbaum; ya hay una estrategia, dice
The accelerated growth of a new volcanic dome at the Volcán de Colima has caused landslides and lava flow, report state authorities.
The Civil Defense Department has established a 6 mile exclusion zone from the Montegrande canyon area, and is advising everyone not to visit any nearby canyons because of a potential pyroclastic flow.
“There's also the possibility of volcanic ash affecting several nearby areas in the state, so we recommend wearing surgical masks, closing doors and windows, covering water drainage pipes, sweeping up any ash and placing it in plastic bags,” warned the department.
The general director of the State Civil Protection Sysetm, Melchor Ursúa Quiroz, said that as of Monday, changes in the number and types of seismic activity were detected at the Volcano.