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"Grave error" dejar a Marko Cortés como líder en el Senado, advierte Adriana Dávila; PAN debe desligarse de liderazgos fallidos, afirma
Morena prepara nueva reforma constitucional para prohibir maíz transgénico; "sin maíz no hay país": Monreal
Último fin de semana del 2024 registra 171 asesinatos: SSPC; en promedio mataron a 57 personas por día
Oposición rechaza postura de Morena sobre revueltas por dichos de Trump; “está fuera de la realidad”, acusan
INE debe determinar si Morena puede promover el voto en la elección judicial: Sheinbaum; “importante que todas las autoridades participen”
All local, interstate and mass transit bus services were halted on Friday until further notice due to the escalating violence at the protests by normalistas, students of Mexico's rural Teachers' College, who are reportedly stealing buses and lighting them on fire as part of their strategy.
The normalistas have gathered at bus terminals in the state of Michoacán, as well as mass transit bus stations.
State officials warned that the suspension in bus services will continue until they can guarantee the safety of bus drivers and passengers.
As of right now, nobody can enter or leave the state of Michoacán by bus, which has already had affected users, where as of noon today around 9,000 users were stranded.