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Artistas plasman siluetas migrantes en muro fronterizo de Tijuana; protestan contra políticas migratorias de Trump

Gobierno de México refuerza su compromiso con programas para el Bienestar; entrega tarjetas en Puebla

Esteban Moctezuma aboga por migrantes; alcaldes demócratas y republicanos muestran solidaridad migratoria

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The stage for Roger Waters' free Saturday show at Zócalo square in Mexico City is being set up by staff of the musician and the city government.
Last night, the founder of Pink Floyd played at Foro Sol in Mexico City before more than 58,000 people.
During the concert, Waters expressed his rejection to Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump, whom he called an "asshole" and said the wall will not be built.
Last week, Roger Waters and Mexico City government confirmed the free show at Zócalo square.