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Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto will travel on Monday, Sept 26 to Cartagena de Indias to witness the official signing of the Colombia's peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
During his administration, the Mexican president has openly expressed his support for a peace deal to end Colombia's long-running civil conflict; he has said that there is no place for violence in Latin America.
Peña Nieto attended the Cuban capital city of Havana on June 23, when the Colombian government and the FARC rebels reached the final peace deal.
The peace deal includes:
-A commitment that rebels will lay down arms within 180 days of a final peace deal
-The creation of temporary transition zones and camps for the estimated 7,000 rebels
-A provision that no civilians will be allowed to enter Farc camps, to guarantee rebel security
-A provision that UN monitors will receive all the group's weapons.