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Fidel Urbina, a Mexican citizen and one of the FBI's 10 most wanted fugitives, was arrested in the state of Chihuahua, says the Mexican Attorney General's Criminal Investigation Agency.
An extradition warrant was issued for Urbina by the Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court in Illinois, United States.
Urbina is wanted for kidnapping, rape and murder.
The investigation that led to the arrest of Urbina was headed by Tomás Zerón, former Director of the Criminal Investigation Agency and current Minister of the National Security Council.
The arrest was part of a joint effort between the Mexican Attorney General and the U.S. Department of Justice.
Urbina was arrested in Vallle Santiago, Chihuahua, by Criminal Investigation Agents affiliated with INTERPOL.
Authorities will transfer Urbina to the Chihuahua state capital, where the corresponding medical certification will be issued.