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Mexican filmmaker Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritú criticized Enrique Peña Nieto’s invitation to Donald Trump to visit Mexico.
“Enrique Peña Nieto’s invitation to Donald Trump is a betrayal. It endorses a man who has insulted us, spat in our faces, and threatened us for over a year in front of the entire world.” Wrote in a column in the Spanish newspaper El País.
Iñarritú also said that the invitation “showed a lack of dignity and in turn strengthens a political campaign of hatred toward us, toward half of the world, and toward the most vulnerable minorities on the planet. It puts our future and the lives of 16 million Mexicans at risk.”
The two-time Oscar winner for Best Director for "Birdman" and "Revenant" said Trump should have been named "persona non grata" by the Government of Mexico “for inciting hatred and division."
"Our Mr. President, did not demand anything specific," he said against Peña Nieto, adding that the president "does not represent him anymore" because he denigrates and puts Mexico at risk.