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Entran en vigor aranceles del 25% a México y Canadá; Trump denuncia “fracaso” de ambos países para frenar flujo de drogas

China responde a Trump con aranceles del 10 % y el 15 % a productos agropecuarios de Estados Unidos; Washington acusa inacción de Beijing de frenar el fentanilo

Así presumió Aureoles los cuarteles que construyó, según denuncia, a sobreprecio; tenían casa para alojar al gobernador

Gobierno de Tlaxcala no reconocerá como tlaxcaltecas a los 9 cadáveres localizados en Oaxaca; esperarán resultados de peritaje

Trudeau anuncia aranceles de 25% contra 155 mil mdd de productos de EU; así es como Canadá responde a las amenazas de Trump

Jefe de gobierno de Ontario amenaza con “cortar electricidad” a estados de EU si Trump impone aranceles; "debemos ser el doble de duros”
Mexico's government spokesman Eduardo Sánchez Hernández said the information released by the British newspaper The Guardian, in relation to Mexican First Lady Angélica Rivera and an apartment in Florida, is false.
Via Twitter, Sánchez Hernández said the newspaper "failed to tell the truth" because it's false that Rivera's home in Florida is also property "of a potential government contractor."
"In 2005, she made public the possession of a property in the same building, other than that mentioned in the article. The article states that Mr. Ricardo Pierdant is a 'potential government contractor' without offering a single fact, document or declaration to support it. It is all pure speculation” Sánchez said.
He regretted that The Guardian "encourages its reporters to predict the future" rather than confirming the accuracy of their information.
He also stated that Ricardo Pierdant has not entered into agreements with the Government of Mexico nor tendered for any ongoing project.
"The article says that they tried to contact the President's office in two occasions. Any experienced journalist, knows that all requests for information made by the media are sent to my office. I affirm that no one contacted me, or any of my collaborators on this matter" he added.
“It is regrettable the lack of professionalism of this newspaper, which affects especially its readers," he said.