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Captan a Luis Videgaray en Washington previo a toma de protesta de Trump; reaparece en cena exclusiva del equipo del Presidente

Condena la ONU-DH asesinatos del periodista Calletano de Jesús y del defensor Sergio Cruz; exige investigaciones

Fernández Noroña rechaza declaración de Trump sobre cárteles mexicanos; “inaceptable una invasión militar”, afirma

“Irreal que vayan a deportar a millones de personas”; experta afirma que EU carece de recursos y sistema para enfrentarla

PRI y PAN exigen a Sheinbaum “postura firme” ante Trump; destacan apoyo a migrantes y una América del Norte más integrada

Legisladores de Morena y oposición reprueban acciones de Trump contra migrantes; llaman a la unidad nacional
Mexican officials say they have confirmed that one of the men taken from an upscale restaurant in the Pacific resort city of Puerto Vallarta was a son of imprisoned drug lord Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.
Jalisco state Attorney General Eduardo Almaguer says authorities have confirmed the identities of four of the six victims and among them was 29-year-old Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar. He says the identification was made through items found in the vehicles and forensic work at the scene.
Earlier, officials had said they presumed that the kidnappers had taken another "El Chapo" son, Iván Archivaldo Guzmán.
Almaguer says the kidnappers appear to belong to the state's dominant Jalisco New Generation drug cartel and the victims are from the rival Sinaloa cartel.