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The Embassy of Mexico in the United Kingdom and the Society of Mexican Students in that country presented an award to the most renown student in the country to Juan Venancio Hernández Santisteban.
Hernández Santisteban is currently doing a doctorate on AstroPhysics at the University of Southampton and received the Carlos Fuentes-Mex Soc award for his dissertation and his outreach efforts with the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
In an interview with Mexico's National Council of Science and Technology, Hernández Santisteban explained that his dissertation goes around an article written for Nature magazine a few weeks ago.
Using the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, "we observed a binary system, two stars orbiting one another. They are a white dwarf, a star in the final stages of its evolution, with a much smaller star, a brown dwarf, in orbit around it. In said article we reported how the biggest star has been consuming the smaller one."
Also, Mexican student Luis Ángel Contreras Toledo, currently studying his doctorate in Computer Sciences at the University of Bristol, received an honorific mention for his work in the resolution of the Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) problem and his efforts to share his knowledge with other young students.