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Mexico and the United States need each other because "we are stronger together than separated," said U.S. Ambassador Roberta Jacobson during the 4th of July celebrations in Mexico.
In her speech she said that "if someone fails to see the contributions of Mexico in the currents of our history, is because of ignorance. If someone in the United States talks about 'them against us', they may not know very well any of the two countries".
She added that "one of our blessings is having a border of three thousand kilometers shared with Mexico".
The event was attended by the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs Claudia Ruiz Massieu, the Vice Minister for North America, Paulo Carreño, the leader of the National Action Party, Ricardo Anaya, Luis Felipe Bravo Mena, Margarita Zavala, businessman Carlos Slim, Nobel Prize in chemistry Mario Molina, and many others.
"If there was a time in which we needed to promote the benefits of this relationship, that moment is now. And if there was a time in which we would test the faith that we have in one another, that moment is now," she added.
Jacobson also joked about the long time it took to be confirmed as ambassador to Mexico.
"There were moments in recent months in which I thought I would take 240 years to arrive here. But I am already in front of you, and I am proud. Mexico and this job are definitely worth the wait".
Jacobson also praised the Mexicans and Mexican Americans who helped build the American dream, saying that they were as important as the British, Irish, German, Jewish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabs and many others.