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“Baby Trump, te comportas como niño”; migrantes y deportados castigan piñata de Donald Trump frente al muro fronterizo

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The governor of the Mexican state of Guerrero, Héctor Astudillo Flores, said that other mayors are under threat by organized crime and that the mayors of Chilapa and Zitlala, Jesús Parra García and Roberto Zapoteco Castro, are at a particular risk.
The Governor said during a press conference that the mayors are being pressured in order to cooperate with organized crime, but did not provide names, save those of the mayors of Chilapa and Zitlala, who suffer the pressure from the criminal gangs known as “Los Rojos” and “Los Ardillos,” who are fighting for the control of the area.
He also called against the politicization of the murder of the mayor of Pungarabato, Ambrocio Soto Duarte, pointing out that he and his colleague of the state of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles, consider his murder more of a security matter.
Soto Duarte was killed in Michoacán, near the border with Guerrero.