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El primer megapuente de 2025 se acerca; ¿cuándo inicia y qué estudiantes tendrán descanso de 4 días?

Sheinbaum reitera protección a maíz mexicano; iniciativa enviada al Congreso rechaza siembra de trangénico

SIPINNA se suma a estrategia “México te abraza”; presenta recomendaciones para proteger niñez y adolescencia migrante

CEPL, en espera de orden del Tribunal Electoral; busca asumir proceso interrumpido del Comité del Poder Judicial

Tras sanciones de Trump a Colombia, Sheinbaum dice que hay que respetar a todos los países; “me tengo que informar bien para poder opinar”
Police say they've apprehended an armed rape suspect who barricaded himself in a Burger King in Southwest Baltimore and took hostages, including a seven-year-old girl.
Baltimore Police said on Twitter that the suspect is in custody and the hostages are unharmed.
The standoff lasted several hours. Police earlier said the suspect is wanted on a rape charge and fled from police after they tried to stop him at a traffic stop.
The led police on a vehicle chase earlier Sunday before crashing into another vehicle and then fleeing by foot into the Burger King in Southwest Baltimore. The driver of the other car is being treated for minor injuries.
SWAT team and negotiators arrived at the scene.