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There are no Mexicans among the people killed during the massacre in Nice, according to the Mexican ambassador in France, Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo.
He also reported that three Mexicans are missing, but they are not for certain among the dead.
In an interview with media group Radio Fórmula, Gómez Robledo expressed that Mexicans were contacted in France as soon as the news of the attack broke.
"Luckily, there are no Mexicans among them (the dead)", expressed Gómez Robledo, who added that there are also no compatriots among the confirmed wounded in the attack.
The missing Mexicans had been initially identified as Sofía Covarruvias, Rodrigo García, María René Nájera, and Kenia Elizabeth Patiño. The ambassador said that Covarruvias was located in the afternoon.
As for Rodrigo García, he has already contacted his family and even in Nájera's case "we have information from her family that she already contacted them."