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Aspirantes a elección judicial podrán ser denunciados por campaña anticipada: INE; entrega de beneficios será sancionada

Otra vez en Michoacán, realizan homenaje a “El Mencho” en Tanhuato; acompañan con fuegos artificiales, banda y foto gigante
Hyromi Guadalupe and Sebastián were caught kissing at Maestro José Vasconcelos school in Azcapotzalco district and taken to the principal's office.
Soon after a 5.7 degree earthquake was felt in Mexico City. In the midst of confusion, the children managed to escape to avoid being punished.
After school authorities noticed their absence they notified their parents, who blocked Eje 2 Norte Eulalia Guzmán to press Mexico City government to help them find the children.
Today Mexico City Police Deparment informed on Twitter that the children were found hiding at a supermarket.