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Sheinbaum reacciona a informe del Departamento de Justicia de EU; señala reconocimiento de la problemática
Nos comprometimos a trabajar en cuerpo y alma: Sheinbaum; reacciona a encuesta de EL UNIVERSAL sobre 77% de aprobación
Sheinbaum reacciona a denuncia de Luisito Comunica por cobro excesivo de taxis en Cancún; “hay que cobrar lo que se debe”, dice
A strong rain, sometimes accompanied by a hailstorm, caused a series of problems in Mexico City, particularly at midtown and the east.
The storm also caused the fall of a road sign at the central Fray Servando avenue.
Security protocols were put in place in the different stations of the Metropolitan Subway system and flooded areas were reported in the streets of the central area of the city.