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“Amenaza de deportaciones es real”, dice Ricardo Anaya; hay ingenuidad en gobierno de México, señala

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The first suspect charged in the kidnapping of Mexican soccer player Alan Pulido has given a statement to prosecutors confessing to the crime.
The Associated Press obtained a copy of Daniel Morales' initial statement in which he also called the abduction botched and poorly planned.
Pulido freed himself and then called police for help after the weekend abduction.
Morales said Pulido initially overpowered another kidnapper, who fled. Pulido was armed with the first kidnapper's gun when he beat Morales and forced him to hand over his cellphone.
Morales said he first contacted the gang after he had been in prison and only participated by getting food for kidnap victims before Pulido was abducted.
Pulido is a forward for Olympiakos in the Greek league and has played for Mexico's national team.