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All the districts of Mexico City and many of the municipalities of the State of Mexico are facing bad air quality, according to the latest reports.
The worst value is in the metropolitan district of Coyoacán, with 148 IMECA (Metropolitan Air Quality Index) points. The districts of Magdalena Contreras and Miguel Hidalgo follow with 147, while Cuauhtémoc, Venustiano Carranza, Benito Juárez and Iztacalco present up to 145 points.
The tolerable limit before placing further alerts and palliative measures is of 150 IMECA points.
In the meantime, the districts of Alvaro Obregón and Tlalpan present 138 points; Cuajimalpa and Iztapalapa got to 125; northern Gustavo A. Madero got to 124; while Azcapotzalco presented up to 120 points. The districts of Milpa Alta, with 115; and Xochimilco and Tláhuac, with 112 points, have the lowest levels of pollution, but not by far.
In the neighbouring State of Mexico, 10 municipalities present also a bar air quality, with Huixquilucan going to 125 points; Tepotzotlán, Teoloyucan, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Cuautitlán de Melchor Ocampo and Tultepec getting up to 101, while Tecámac and Acolman reached 108, and Naucalpan got to 105.
Other 18 municipalities of the State of Mexico present a regular air quality.
The authorities in both the metropolis and the State of Mexico are calling people who are sensitive to pollution to avoid outdoor activities and limit exercise outdoors.