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A federal judge said that the extradition of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán to the United States has no legal impediments and can proceed. But in the end, the final decision can only be taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Third Court of District in Federal Criminal Procedures issued a legal opinion about the extradition of the leader of the Sinaloa cartel and notified his defense about it being completely lawful.
"The fact that you have a consideration by a judge does not mean that the extradition can be authorized. He cannot authorize anything because he has no legal powers for it, just the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," retorted lawyer José Refugio Rodríguez.
He added that the team of lawyers has moved to Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, following their client, who has been moved to a prison in that area, to see if he asks to be returned to the federal prison of "El Altiplano" in the State of Mexico.
"We are going to talk with Joaquín and if he does not want to be there (in Ciudad Juárez) we have several legal ways to proceed," expressed the lawyer.