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“Baby Trump, te comportas como niño”; migrantes y deportados castigan piñata de Donald Trump frente al muro fronterizo

Alejandro Armenta: Vamos a defender con Sheinbaum a los migrantes; los poblanos son forjadores de “Pueblayork”

FGR asegura 15 mil litros de hidrocarburo en el Estado de México; deshabilitan dos tomas clandestinas
Mexico City mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera signed an agreement with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to evaluate the fight against corruption in Mexico City government and make proposals.
As part of his visit three-day visit to France, Mancera signed the agreement with Ángel Gurría, secretary general of the OECD, at the Muette castle.
He explained that Mexico will soon become the first city to have “open contracting”.
Mancera will meet tonight with Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo and tomorrow he is expected to attend a reception at Francois Hollande's residence to celebrate the Latin American week in France.
On Wednesday he will attend the annual OECD forum about “Inclusive cities”.