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The Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, said that Joaquín Guzmán Loera, "El Chapo," has not appealed the two processes of extradition to the United States.
Ruiz Massieu pointed out that the reputed drug dealer still has 30 days to present the appeal, until July 1.
Last Friday, a judge agreed on a provisional suspension of the decision by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to extradite "El Chapo" to the U.S.
Guzmán Loera's legal team is reportedly at odds about the attempts to stave off his extradition.
After two of Guzman's attorneys filed an appeal against the extradition request, a third lawyer quickly disavowed it on Saturday.
Attorney José Refugio Rodríguez told The Associated Press back then that the move was not authorized by Guzmán Loera and his client will not sign off on the appeal, meaning the courts would not act on it.
"This hurts Joaquín Guzmán because it hinders our defense," Rodriguez said.
Rodriguez added that the lawyers who filed it, Juan Pablo Badillo and José Luis González Mesa, are not part of the team working on the extradition case. That team is still considering the government's arguments and plans an appeal in the coming weeks that "El Chapo" will approve.
The convicted Sinaloa cartel boss is wanted in seven U.S. jurisdictions on charges that include murder, conspiracy to import and distribute cocaine and marijuana, money-laundering and arms possession.
Guzmán Loera is currently in a federal prison on the outskirts of Ciudad Juárez, which borders El Paso, Texas. Authorities suddenly transferred him there in recent weeks from the Altiplano lockup near Mexico City where he was being held before, citing work being done to improve security at the facility.
"El Chapo" broke out of a Mexican prison in 2001 and spent more than a decade on the run, becoming one of the world's most wanted outlaws before he was recaptured in 2014.
Last year he escaped again through a mile-long tunnel dug to the shower of his cell at Altiplano.
Mexican federal agents caught him in January in the city of Los Mochis, Sinaloa, the state from which his drug gang took its name.
With information from AP