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A cold rain is starting to fall over the metropolitan districts of Gustavo A. Madero, Azcapotzalco, Miguel Hidalgo, Álvaro Obregón, Cuajimalpa, Magdalena Contreras, Cuauhtémoc, Coyoacán and Tlalpan.
According to the Command, Control, Computing, and Communications Center of Mexico City, the rain is light, but the inhabitants of the Mexican capital should still follow some minimal security measures.
First and foremost, drivers should exercise precaution and keep a minimum distance between vehicles, of at least ten feet.
Also, it is recommended to not throw garbage on the streets because it could clog the drains and cause flooding.
For people walking outside for some reason, it is suggested to avoid standing near walls, trees, water currents as well as downhill areas.
In the case of a hailstorm, the authorities said that it could be dangerous to seek refuge under light structures that could fall due to the weight of the accumulating ice.
Animal owners are also called to keep them under protection and in a warm and dry place.