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The hard rains that covered the State of Mexico left the municipalities of Naucalpan, Tlalnepantla, and Atizapan under water, with even the municipal palace of the latter ending completely soaked.
In Naucalpan, thunder and hail caused the fall of 11 trees, some of them over parked vehicles, as well as two billboards, electrical cables and a wall, without any reports of injuries.
Ciudad Satélite was one of the most affected communities by the flooding, with some vehicles trapped by the waters, some of them with people inside.
In Tlalnepantla, two threes and a wall were felled by the rain, while a residential area was covered by the flooding.
In Atizapan, the storm flooded not only the residential areas of Potrero, Esquina de la Montaña, Calacoaya, La Cañada, Esquina Colonial, Golf Club Bellavista and Ignacio López Rayón, but also the mayor palace, where the damages are still being evaluated.
Mayor Ana María Balderas Trejo nevertheless visited the afflicted areas and offered help to the locals.