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Tras supuesto rechazo de avión con deportados, SRE asegura que hay buena relación con EU; “cooperamos con respeto”, dice

Clausuran temporalmente relleno de escombros en Jocotepec, Jalisco; Semartnat aclara que no hay permiso

FGR investiga a Mauricio Sahuí, delegado del Infonavit en Yucatán; está ligado al Cártel Inmobiliario de “Los Mañé”
The Assistant Attorney General's Office for Special Investigations on Organized Crime (SEIDO) in Mexico City obtained a formal prison order against Gabriel Ayala Fonseca, "El Tres Animales" (The Three animals), who is reportedly the head of the Arellano Félix cartel in Ensenada, Baja California.
Ayala Fonseca in currently in the El Altiplano federal prison, in the State of Mexico, and he is facing charges of drug trafficking and the possession of military-grade weapons.
He was arrested in the state of Baja California by the Army and the state police last May 19.
The suspect is also linked to various homicides in that region.