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Ante llegada de Trump, la defensa de los mexicanos será prioridad, afirma Claudia Sheinbaum; ya hay una estrategia, dice

¿Quién le teme a Donald Trump en China?; “México debería ser nuestro amigo”, dicen chinos desde el paraíso de la piratería

FOTOS Bendicen lomitos, michis, conejos y hasta gallinas por San Antonio Abad; “son parte de nuestras vidas”, explican

Patricia Herrera es la nueva directora de Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua; Bárcena le da la bienvenida
Gas stations (both, those licensed by Pemex as well as the new stations of a different brand) and companies that transport fuel will be fined up to 21.9 million pesos (US$1.2 million) for selling or carrying low quality gasoline.
The measure is part of the Official Mexican Norm (NOM-016) that will take effect in the coming days that seeks to ensure that gasoline complies with the environmental rules. The document is being reviewed by the Commission for the Improvement of Regulations (Cofemer).
The norm establishes a limit of 30 parts per million of sulfur for gasoline; 15 parts per million for diesel and up to 5.8% of oxidants such as MTBE or ethanol in case this fuel component is used.
The rule covers 11,200 Pemex service stations, 1,485 auto-tanks and 520 tank trucks owned by Petróleos Mexicanos, apart from 1,477 private companies that received authorization to transport oil using auto-tanks, tank trucks and semi-trailers and 30 companies -including Pemex- authorized to transport oil products in tankers as well as five railway companies.
Mexico's Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) will sample and control the fuel all the way from production centers to service stations.