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Tras supuesto rechazo de avión con deportados, SRE asegura que hay buena relación con EU; “cooperamos con respeto”, dice

Clausuran temporalmente relleno de escombros en Jocotepec, Jalisco; Semartnat aclara que no hay permiso

FGR investiga a Mauricio Sahuí, delegado del Infonavit en Yucatán; está ligado al Cártel Inmobiliario de “Los Mañé”
Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump's call for Mexico to pay for a wall along its border with the United States "is like a 'Saturday Night Live' skit."
Clinton is also criticizing Trump for calling NATO obsolete and for saying some Asian nations might need nuclear weapons. She says those plans make her think, "OK, and then what happens?"
The Democratic front-runner is also trying to link other Republicans to Trump. She says that while he may be more "flamboyant" in his rhetoric, other Republicans have similar positions.
Clinton is campaigning in Rochester, New York, ahead of the state's April 19 primary.