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President Barack Obama is responding to questions about Donald Trump's proposal to cut off billions of dollars in remittances sent by Mexican immigrants living in the U.S.
"Good luck with that," Obama said in a press briefing Tuesday, citing the dangers of what he described as "half-baked notions."
Obama told journalists that the proposal is "one more example of something that is not thought through and primarily put forward for political consumption."
Obama warned of the ramifications such a plan would have on the Mexican economy which, in turn, would drive more immigrants to flee to the U.S. in search of jobs.
"People around the world... don't expect half-baked notions coming out of the White House. We can't afford that."
According to a memo released by his campaign Tuesday, Trump would try to cut off funds sent to Mexico through money transfers known as remittances to compel its government to pay for a wall along the Southern border.