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Ariadna Montiel pide colaboración a gobernadores y presidentes municipales; buscan priorizar pueblos indígenas

Sheinbaum llama a gobernadores y alcaldes a invertir en agua y caminos; pide seguir con estrategia de seguridad

Desarme voluntario en la Basílica ya tiene resultados, afirma Rosa Icela; continúa concientización sobre las armas

Cae “Billy” Álvarez, exdirector de la Cooperativa Cruz Azul por delincuencia organizada en la CDMX; era buscado desde hace 5 años
Héctor and Moisés Gómez Gómez, four and six-years-old children, were buried today in the town of Chanal, after they were unable to receive the required medical attention when the road on which their ambulance was travelling was blocked by protesters from the tzetzal indigenous community.
The mayor of Chanal, Javier Velasco Bautista, reported that the ambulance was stopped in the blockade over San Antonio Monte II for up to two hours.
The children were poisoned after taking expired penicillin they found inside a garbage can and required immediate medical help.
The mother of the children tried to find another way to get them to the hospital in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, but when she finally managed to do it the doctors were unable to save the children.
The mayor called for punishment for those responsible for the blockade, who are demanding a compensation for the death of Adolfo Díaz on September 30, during a series of post-election conflicts in the area.