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By Leonardo Curzio
Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister of Italy, praised President Enrique Peña Nieto for pushing reforms in Mexico, as “sometimes promoting change is scary.”
"But we have to look to the future, Mexico and also Italy are hungry for future," he said.
In an interview, Matteo Renzi said that Mexico and Italy have opportunities for collaboration to fight drug trafficking and added that Italian investments in Mexico could increase in the coming months.
As an example Renzi said that Pirelli, an Italian tire maker, recently announced an additional investment of 200 million dollars in León, Guanajuato, that would create 400 jobs and that Enel Green Power, an Italian gas and electricity producer, won a contract to supply energy to Mexico's Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).
The Prime Minister added that Italy's Anticorruption National Authority, headed by Rafaelle Cantone, signed an agreement with Mexican authorities to fight organized crime and drug trafficking and that Alitalia will restore its direct flights between Italy and Mexico on June 16.