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Sheinbaum: fentanilo en México realmente no es un problema; “no hay una crisis como lo hay en EU y Canadá”, dice

2025, año de riesgo político alto: Integralia; señala el regreso de Trump y centralización del poder de Morena

Refuerzan seguridad en Baja California, Guanajuato y Sinaloa; despliegan 540 efectivos de Ejército y GN
Authorities say two brothers wanted in the disappearance and presumed slayings of a Washington state couple may be heading for the Mexican border.
Detectives said Tuesday that they found a car in Phoenix that had been driven by 53-year-old John Blaine Reed and his brother, 49-year-old Tony Clyde Reed. They say the suspects have since taken a 2002 Gold Acura 32T with Arizona plate BNN-9968. A license plate reader captured that plate near Calexico, California, on Monday.
The brothers are wanted in last week's disappearance of 45-year-old Patrick Shunn and his wife, 46-year-old Monique Patenaude. Investigators are searching a 23-square-mile wooded area 50 miles northeast of Seattle for their bodies.
The Snohomish County Sheriff's Office says it's working with U.S. marshals and Phoenix police to track down the Reeds, who are described as armed and dangerous.