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Comité Legislativo puede hacerse cargo de trabajo inconcluso: Morena; TEPJF puede dictar medidas de apremio contra PJ

Mexicanos sostienen la economía de EU, asegura Sheinbaum; “son lo que son por el pueblo trabajador”, expresa

Sheinbaum designa a Lázaro Cárdenas Batel para nueva Comisión en la Mixteca; atenderá a pueblos originarios

"Soy inocente", reitera Garduño tras suspensión a proceso por incendio en Ciudad Juárez; trabaja con víctimas, afirma

ONU llama a investigar asesinato del periodista Alejandro Gallegos en Tabasco; “nos solidarizamos con su familia”, dice
The Office of the Attorney General (PGR) obtained five arrest orders against three officers from the Federal Police and two from the Mexican army, due their involvement in the torture of a woman arrested in the municipality of Ajuchitlán del Progreso, Guerrero, on February 4, 2015.
The two male federal officers will be sent to a prison in the city of Iguala, while the destination of their female colleague has not been decided.
In regard to the two soldiers, they are currently held in a military prison.