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President Enrique Peña Nieto said that beyond merely exchanging goods, Germany and Mexico are consolidating a true strategic partnership, since today, thanks to the work of the Binational Commission of the Alliance for the Future, established last year , “The two countries are building a broader joint agenda, based on dialogue, consultation and cooperation.”
In his address during the dinner hosted in his honor by Mayor of Hamburg Olaf Scholz, as part of his state visit to Germany, President Enrique Peña Nieto said that with will, mutual respect and a great desire for integration, Mexico and Germany, “have not seen the Atlantic Ocean as a division, but rather as a bond that unites and brings us together.”
He declared that this is reflected in the intense, productive trade between the Port of Hamburg, the second largest in Europe and the ports of Altamira and Veracruz in the Gulf of Mexico.
Moreover, the president said, “German investors confidence in Mexico is large and growing. Virtually all sectors of the Mexican economy have the positive, enthusiastic participation of German companies.”
He explained that, “Germany and Mexico have strong bonds of friendship and understanding, whose roots are right here in Hamburg. This city was the birthplace of our commercial ties and witnessed the establishment of the first official relations between the two countries.”
He said that in 1829, Mexico became the first Latin American country to open a consulate in the city and said that, over time, Hamburg and Mexico have managed to forge ever closer historical ties, “That have translated into new opportunities.”
An example of this, said the president, are the educational, scientific and technical cooperation links between German and Mexican universities and centers of research.
He said that it was very exciting, in that context, to launch the Germany-Mexico Dual Year, because it is an important initiative that will enable the two nations to become closer and get to know each other better.
“It is a window to explore the culture, traditions and values that distinguish our societies,” he declared. ”In short,” he added, “the Dual Year is an opportunity to promote throughout Germany the dynamic, creative, productive and modern Mexico that is emerging.”
He reported that as part of the activities to mark the Dual Year scheduled to take place in Hamburg, the training ship Cuauhtémoc, a flagship vessel of the Mexican Navy that travels the world bringing a message of peace and brotherhood from the people and the government of Mexico, will visit this port in June.
President Enrique Peña Nieto declared that Mexico is one of Latin American countries with the highest investment in Germany, particularly in the construction, chemical and industrial inputs sectors.
Moreover, he added that Hamburg, better known as the gateway of Germany to the world, “Has faithfully accomplished the mission to link this great country to the world, and to receive the best of rest of the world, for many centuries.”
Therefore, he said, “Today, Mexico reaffirms its friendship and proximity to Hamburg, a city that has historically been an ally of our country.”
Mayor of Hamburg Olaf Scholz said today that ports play an important role in the relations of complete trust between Mexico and Germany.
He added that ,”Good relations also but not exclusively arise from economic interest,” adding that therefore, “We in Hamburg are not only delighted with the containers from Mexico, but also with the arrival in June of the imposing three-masted boat, the Cuauhtémoc brig, the Mexican navy training ship.”
The Mexican president he said his visit also shows that Hamburg, “Is the Latin American center of Germany.” The most important business association between our two countries is located in our city and celebrates its hundredth anniversary this year.”
He explained that, “Mexican goods are regularly transported here by sea.”Thanks to the improved direct connections, container traffic between Hamburg and Veracruz continued to increase last year. I hope that we can further intensify our cooperation in the future.”
He said that after holding a German-Mexican economic day in the City Hall, and inviting many companies to this dinner, we are continuing a good tradition, since economic relations between Hamburg and Mexico were established over two decades before the founding of Mexico.
He recalled that the first commercial ship from Germany docked at the port of Veracruz, “And as you can imagine, set sail from Hamburg," he said.
He also said that Mexican companies dealing in construction materials and steel maintain offices in Hamburg.
He hailed the fact that, “Cooperation between Mexico and Germany not only involves private companies but entire industries. I would especially like to mention the collaboration between our Hamburg Aviation aerospace cluster and the Monterrey Aerospace Cluster.”
He said that, “Germans know that Hamburg is the world’s third largest civil aerospace center. We are therefore keen to increase cooperation with a clearly emerging center for this industry such as Mexico.”
He noted that topics of conversation between Mexicans and Germans cover more than 200 years and will never be exhausted. "Therefore, Mr. President, I am pleased to know that we will have you as a guest again in this Hanseatic city, when the G20 Summit is held here in July of next year.”