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Marco Rubio will collect all 23 of Puerto Rico's delegates after posting a huge win in the U.S. territory. But he still lags far behind rivals Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
Like many states, Puerto Rico awards all the GOP delegates to a candidate who gets more than 50 percent of the vote. Rubio was well above that threshold in the Sunday contest.
Based on updated results, Trump and John Kasich also picked up delegates in Vermont, which held its primary Tuesday.
In the overall race for delegates, Trump has 384 and Cruz has 300. Rubio has 151 delegates and Kasich has 37.
It takes 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination for president.
In the meantime, Hillary Clinton has added to her overall delegate lead after winning most of the delegates at stake in Saturday's contests.
Out of 109 delegates, she won 57 while Bernie Sanders picked up 52.
Sanders won the Kansas and Nebraska caucuses, but his gains were overcome by Clinton's large margin of victory in Louisiana.
The two candidates are competing in the Maine caucuses on Sunday, where 25 delegates are up for grabs.
Including superdelegates, Clinton now has 1,123 delegates and Sanders has 484. It takes 2,383 delegates to win.