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According to the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), 110 long-period events and five explosions were detected through the monitoring system of Popocatépetl volcano.
The most important explosions occurred yesterday at 10:27 am, 7:09 pm; today at 1:03 am, with a 1.8 km-high ash column heading to the east-northeast and incandescence fragments ejected to the east-southeast face.
Two volcano-tectonic earthquakes were registered, the first one occurred yesterday at 5:39 pm, the magnitude of the event was Mc 1.3 and the hypocenter was located 5.5 km depth. The second occurred at 11:15pm, the magnitude of the event was Mc 1.5 and the hypocenter was located 5.5 km depth.
55 minutes of harmonic tremor of small amplitude were recorded and a 44 minutes of continuous long period events (LP) were also reported.
Incandescence over the crater was observed yesterday night.
At this moment, a continuous emission of steam and gas towards northeast is observed.