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El primer megapuente de 2025 se acerca; ¿cuándo inicia y qué estudiantes tendrán descanso de 4 días?

Sheinbaum reitera protección a maíz mexicano; iniciativa enviada al Congreso rechaza siembra de trangénico

SIPINNA se suma a estrategia “México te abraza”; presenta recomendaciones para proteger niñez y adolescencia migrante

CEPL, en espera de orden del Tribunal Electoral; busca asumir proceso interrumpido del Comité del Poder Judicial

Tras sanciones de Trump a Colombia, Sheinbaum dice que hay que respetar a todos los países; “me tengo que informar bien para poder opinar”
Army and security forces in Baja California arrested former municipal police Marco Tulio Carrillo Grande Marlon, presumed hit-men leader for the Sinaloa Cartel.
At a press conference, Gualberto Ramírez Gutiérrez, head of the Specialized Unit for Investigation against Kidnapping, reported that the arrest was performed during the execution of a search warrant of address in the Ampliación Reforma neighborhood of the area of Rosarito.
Carrillo Grande has been identified as one of the main figures behind the escalating violence in Tijuana, because he is fighting for local control versus the Arellano Félix and the Jalisco New Generation cartels.
He is considered the main strategist and hit-men coordinator for Alfonso Arzate García "El Aquiles," leader of the cartel in Tijuana, and the coordinator of the attack in a party in Ensenada, Baja California, on January 23, ending with four killed, among them two minors, and 19 wounded.