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El reloj que enfrenta a Luisa Alcalde y García Soto: “¿cómo lo consiguió y quién los mandó a hacer?”, cuestionan

Comité de Evaluación del Legislativo califica suspensión de elección judicial de improcedente; continuará proceso

Segunda tormenta invernal azota el norte del país; prevén caída de nieve y aguanieve en estos estados este 9 de enero

“Reloj es real”: García Soto contesta con video a Luisa Alcade; “es una campaña de desprestigio”, acusa morenista

Inai ordena a Mexicana entregar contratos para arrendamiento de aviones; reservar información es improcedente, afirma
The Spanish police announced the arrest of Mexican businessman Juan Manuel Muñoz Luévano, known as "El Mono," (The Monkey) who's under investigation along the former leader of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and former governor of Coahuila, Humberto Moreira.
According to official sources, the detention was carried out this Friday in the Spanish capital by order of the Spanish National High Court, at the request of the Prosecutor against corruption for the alleged crime of money laundering.
Moreira was arrested in Spain in mid-January and released a few days later.
The arrest of Muñoz Luevano is also related to an investigation of suspected links with the Zetas drug cartel.