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Reciben como héroes en Saná a marinos veracruzanos secuestrados por rebeldes hutíes; permanecieron cautivos 430 días

Elección judicial: TEPJF ordena al Comité del PJ a reanudar proceso de selección de aspirantes; tienen hasta 24 horas

Gobierno de México celebra liberación de mexicanos secuestrados por hutíes de Yemen; SRE agradece apoyo de países de oriente
At least five people have died and 35 more have been injured during "the last 48 hours" because of the severe weather in Mexico, according to Luis Felipe Puente, National Coordinator of Civil Protection of the Ministry of the Interior.
According to Puente, 620 residences have been affected by the cold weather, and 871 trees were uprooted by strong winds in 27 states of the country.
In an interview for the Primero Noticias newscast in Televisa, Puente said that 3.8 million people were also affected by a lack of electricity, which was subsequently solved.