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Prisión preventiva oficiosa transgrede normas internacionales: ONU-DH; “Detener automáticamente a las personas viola sus derechos”
Alista Senado nueva Ley General de Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y Afromexicanos; deberán consultar a Claudia Sheinbaum
Birmex cancela investigación de mercado para medicamentos, denuncia diputado del PAN; Gobierno seleccionará precios arbitrarios, acusa
Mexico's peso depreciated early on Tuesday to touch a historic low of 18.935 pesos per dollar amid growing concerns that lackluster global economic growth is dragging down global financial markets.
The currency fell 1.56 percent, compared with the Reuters reference price of 18.645 on Monday.
Mexican central bank Governor Agustín Carstens said on Tuesday that it is appropriate to maintain current levels of currency intervention due to the collection of shocks facing the peso's exchange rate.