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Embajada de México pide localizar al poeta mexicano Julio Trujillo en Inglaterra; buscan un iPhone negro como clave
Sheinbaum sostiene llamada telefónica con presidente de Guatemala; hablan sobre proyectos en la frontera
Sheinbaum felicita a Biden por retirar a Cuba de países que apoyan el terrorismo; “es bueno lo que hizo”, dice
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At least one person was killed and 30 more were injured after a crash between a bus and a trailer truck in the Circuito Exterior (Outer Loop) highway system in the State of Mexico.
According to preliminary reports, the bus driver had a heart attack while transporting a group of pilgrims, a crashed into the truck.
Both lanes of the important highway system, which allows vehicles to reach the central states surrounding Mexico City without having to cross into the sprawling Metropolis, are blocked after the incident.