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Último fin de semana del 2024 registra 171 asesinatos: SSPC; en promedio mataron a 57 personas por día
Oposición rechaza postura de Morena sobre revueltas por dichos de Trump; “está fuera de la realidad”, acusan
INE debe determinar si Morena puede promover el voto en la elección judicial: Sheinbaum; “importante que todas las autoridades participen”
Respetamos críticas del EZLN, pero defendemos a la 4T: Sheinbaum; rechaza entrar en debate con zapatistas
MC se pronuncia tras agradecimiento de alcaldesa de Coalcomán a “El Mencho”; “nada impide que se investiguen los hechos”, dice
Two of the suspects of the killing of Mayor Gisela Mota in the municipality of Temixco, Morelos, confessed to other crimes and led the authorities to a mass grave in the nearby area of Xochitepec.
The pit was found in the village of Alpuyeca. There, the authorities removed a set of human remains on Sunday, and today they found other three corpses, according to the Office of the Attorney General of the State.
The agency added that the detainee who provided the information on the bodies is a minor.
It is not expected to find more bodies, due to the use of an excavator to check the area.